Whalley councillor fears new link road 'potentially lethal'
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Whalley councillor fears new link road 'potentially lethal'

Sep 06, 2023

A COUNTY councillor has warned that a new link road being built on a village housing estate is 'potentially lethal'.

Cllr Ged Mirfin, who represents Ribble Valley North-East on Lancashire County Council, has called for a review of the proposed connector road through the Whalley Manor Estate on the Old Lawsonsteads land on the outskirts of Whalley village Linking the A671 and Clitheroe Road via Springwood Drive.

He has called for an emergency inspection visit by the authority's highways team to view the potential dangers.

Cllr Mirfin, who lost his seat for the Whalley and Painter Wood ward on Ribble Valley Council in May 4's local elections by six votes, said: "I am seeking re-assurance that the road linking the two halves of the estate is not opened without traffic calming measures such as chicanes, safe islands, zebra crossings and other crossing points together with highly visible signage warning of children playing and pedestrians crossing the road.

"There is an overwhelming need to ensure the speed limit on the new road is 20mph to ensure residents are able to safely enter and exit their own drives and park outside their homes without fear of accident.

"Whalley Manor will be a large estate carrying a high volume of traffic including bus services directly into and out of the centre of the Whalley

"The implications of opening up the road are potentially lethal because of unresolved safety aspects.

"The effect of funnelling even more traffic through the centre of the village via King Street are potentially dire.

"I can't help feeling this hasn't been though properly."

A Lancashire County Council spokesman said: "Springwood Drive is the spine road giving access to the new housing developments but will also provide a new link road serving Whalley between Clitheroe Road and the A671 Whalley Bypass as a more suitable route than Wiswell Lane.

"Wiswell Lane is a narrow road which is only partially lit. It has narrow footways on only one side of the road, and none at all between Oakhill College and the A671 Whalley Bypass. Its junction with the bypass also has limited visibility and is relatively difficult to navigate.

"When complete Springwood Drive will have a controlled signalised junction onto the A671, street lighting and footways which meet modern standards for pedestrians. The road will have a 30mph speed limit, with all side roads being 20mph.

"The winding nature of Springwood Drive will encourage appropriate vehicle speeds, and the developers will be providing traffic calming measures before the road is adopted and maintained by the county council."

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