Apple Vision Pro Battery Pack Could Be Swapped Using A SIM Ejector Tool
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Apple Vision Pro Battery Pack Could Be Swapped Using A SIM Ejector Tool

Jan 08, 2024

After resting in the rumor mill for years, Apple's Vision Pro headset has finally seen daylight. The device comes with powerful internals, and the design is pretty similar to the renders that we saw earlier this year. The Apple Vision Pro houses dual 4K screens and a dedicated R1 chip along with the M2 chip to bolster sensory controls in real-time. Apple announced on stage that the headset features 2 hours of battery life when connected to the battery pack. According to a leaker, the Apple Vision Pro could come with a swappable battery pack using the original cable.

While the Apple Vision Pro opens a new door to computing, one of the shortcomings of the headset is its battery life. Using the headset at home is not an issue since the device can be plugged into a power source. However, if you want to use the headset on a flight or at a coffee shop, the battery will only last about two hours. A leaker now suggests that the Apple Vision Pro battery pack could be swapped using a SIM ejector tool.

On the headset's battery pack, you will see two holes on either side of the cable. While one hole would house the LED charging notification light, it is unclear what the second circular cutout is for. DuanRui suggests on Twitter that you could potentially use a SIM ejector tool to remove the charging cable from its lock, allowing you to unplug the cable from the battery pack.

Another indication that the power cable is detachable is that the connector has a cutout. This could be a sign that it can be replaced in case the cable wears off or gets damaged. From this point, there can be two hypotheses - Apple could replace the cable and sell the headset's battery pack as an accessory. Nonetheless, you will have to power off the headset before you connect it to another power source. This is because the headset does not feature a battery of its own and relies on external power.

If Apple does sell you an external battery pack for the headset, it will make a lot of sense since two hours is even less than some movies out there. Moreover, you would not want a power cut when you are in a meeting or working. The Apple Vision Pro will be available early next year, and the company has a lot of time to devise a proper battery solution.

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